Over the last two years, online meeting software has advanced in leaps and bounds out of necessity, starting with the rapid scaling of existing services. Many of these advancements have been made possible due to Artificial Intelligence. Everything from improving audio quality, replacing backgrounds, to generating automatic closed captions are now possible in your favourite meeting platform.
bluecap™ has also been hard at work on their own brand of online meeting-enablement intelligence. By utilizing powerful modern language models, GPT 3, Dialogflow, deep learning and more, we have created what amounts to a real world meeting assistant. This assistant satisfies many of the expectations you’d have of a human assistant attending meetings. From transcription, summarization, and providing a list of follow up items.
In designing this software, our engineers at bluecap™ spent a great deal of time contemplating how they could make online meetings less stressful than they have been in the past. According to Robert Half Research, up to 44% of workers report experiencing meeting fatigue, an exacerbated side effect of remote work where meetings can drag on endlessly, are held needlessly, or lack focus, driving workers to become disengaged and dread every minute of the experience. This disengagement can cause poor work performance and general dissatisfaction, both leading causes of employee turnover.
To combat this, bluecap™ takes a multi-pronged approach to supporting online meetings, arguably even job satisfaction.
Fostering Focus
The first is to reduce the work of conducting the actual meeting. With the transcription and summarization being handled by an AI-powered meeting assistant, attendees are free to focus on the content of the meeting therefore having better, more focused conversations. This also allows meeting hosts to foster better connections and cohesion within their teams through the simple act of giving them their undivided attention.
Saving Time While Increasing Productivity
The second approach involves the nuances of scheduling. By utilizing integrations with various calendars and the intuitive nature of AI it finds optimal times for all participants. It also intuitively suggests times when everyone is at their best (more on that in a moment).
The third approach tackles things from an administrative perspective. If your employees are burnt out, how does your organization now measure it? This is a question that HR professionals attempt to answer through employee surveys, more meetings, or other more traditional methods. bluecap™ analyzes meetings for a number of metrics. Participation, sentiment, attendance, etc can be calculated to present you with the overall health of your organization.
Using these metrics, bluecap™ can help you tailor meetings to your employees’ different needs and preferences. The assistant can tell you that a key employee performs better in the afternoon and then prioritize suggested times accordingly. It can highlight when meetings are running too long and the collective sentiment and participation has dropped significantly. You can also experiment with overlays, like what effect does the weather or day of the week have on meeting satisfaction.
Confidentiality on Cloud
The platform accomplishes all of these tasks and measurements through the clever application of cloud computing and machine learning concepts. BlueCAP’s data pipeline and processing utilize industry leading encryption and security to ensure data is always safe and anonymous in the platform. bluecap™ has also been designed with HIPAA and PIPEDA in mind. These are some of the most stringent medical and personal information data security requirements in North America.
With the world leaning heavily towards this new office reality, technologies like bluecap™ stand poised to continue changing the business landscape securely and for the betterment of both workers and employers alike. Join us in making work smarter. Sign up for private beta access.